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Hillary Clinton Lost More Electors Than Anyone In Last 100 Years

Hillary Clinton is inconsolable, according to insiders, after she lost more electors than any politician in the last 100 years.  Clinton’s campaign team were hoping that Monday’s Electoral College vote would see an overwhemling rejection of Donald J. Trump and a potential swing in her favor. However, the results turned out to be quite the opposite. reports: In fact Hillary Clinton lost more electors than Donald J. Trump. Trump lost two electors: One to Ron Paul and one to Governor John Kasich. Hillary Clinton lost Five electors.

Brawl Erupts Between Locals And Migrants At Another German Christmas Market

Brawl Erupts Between Locals And Migrants At Another German Christmas Market

As the manhunt continues for the "solider of the Islamic State" that plowed down and killed over a dozen innocent people and injured another 50 in Berlin, tensions throughout Germany generally between locals and the migrant beneficiaries of Merkel's open border policies continue to escalate.  One such example comes from the German city of Bautzen, in which a group of local Germans and "young asylum seekers" got into a brawl at the Christmas market after a heated exchange regarding the migrants' playing of loud music from their phones.  

71% Of Americans Don't Believe Russia Was Responsible For Election-Related Hacks

71% Of Americans Don't Believe Russia Was Responsible For Election-Related Hacks

The mainstream media has orchestrating a month-long propaganda blitz to convince the American people that "Russian hackers," led by Vladimir Putin, stole the election from Hillary Clinton.  They endlessly quoted "anonymous sources" from inside the CIA, while never actually presenting a single shred of tangible evidence, to advance their narrative.
