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FBI Director: Russia Did Not Influence Election

FBI Director James Comey has confirmed to President-elect Donald Trump that Russia did not influence the outcome of the U.S. presidential election.  In a telephone conversation between Trump and Comey, the FBI Director said there was no credible evidence that Russia hacked DNC emails of John Podesta. Comey also revealed that James Clapper, director of National Intelligence, agreed with his conclusion. reports: The only member of the U.S.

Elector: Clinton Supporters Threatened To Put A Bullet In My Head

A GOP Electoral College voter in Michigan claims that Hillary Clinton supporters sent him several death threats and threatened to shoot him in the head if he votes for Trump. Mike Banerian says that he now fears for his life as the December 19 deadline looms for Electors to cast their vote for President. reports: Mike says he has contacted police and was threatened to be shot in the head if he cast his vote for Trump.

Senator Lindsey Graham Says Russia Hacked His Presidential Campaign Account

Not wanting to be left out of the giant farce that is the "The Russians did it" narrative, Republican senator from North Carolina Lindsey Graham told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday that not only did Russia hack the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails, but they also hacked into his very own personal presidential campaign account.

Mark Spitznagel: "The Big, Fat, Ugly Stock Bubble" Is Now The Greatest Risk For Trump

By Mark Spitznagel, the founder and chief investment officer of Universa Investments, and a former senior economic adviser to Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky.

Stock Surge Presents Risks for the Trump Administration

The “big, fat, ugly bubble” in the stock market that President-elect Donald J. Trump so astutely identified during his campaign now becomes one of the greatest potential liabilities of his presidency.

Clinton Investigation Back On: FBI Agents In NY Ordered To Continue Foundation Probe

Clinton Investigation Back On:  FBI Agents In NY Ordered To Continue Foundation Probe

After the election, many speculated that the probe of the Clinton Foundation would be laid to rest.  But now, according to an exclusive report from the Daily Caller, senior officials at FBI headquarters in Washington DC have apparently instructed agents in the New York field office to continue their investigation of the Clinton Foundation.  According to the source, the instructions were passed on to the NYC field office last week and involves operations in at least five cities, including: New York, Little Rock, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and Miami.
