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Hillary’s Russian Hackers Story Was Concocted During Final Debate

Hillary Clinton’s carefully concocted plan to accuse Russian hackers of helping Donald Trump win the election was openly hinted at during the third and final debate.  The video below shows Hillary pivoting away from a question about domestic immigration to raise the unexpected issue of Russian President Vladimir Putin “hacking the Democrats’ emails” in an attempt to “influence the outcome of the U.S. election”. Was she laying down the foundation for the fake news scandal that currently plagues the mainstream media?

It's Official: Mitt Romney Says He Is Not Being Nominated For Secretary Of State

It's Official: Mitt Romney Says He Is Not Being Nominated For Secretary Of State

It's official: going forward all the biggest political announcements and developments will take place on Twitter. It's also official that, as of moments ago, Mitt Romney announced that he is not being nominated for Secretary Of State, confirming that if Kellyanne Conway launches a social media campaign to belittle and crush you, that is what will end up happening.

"We Are Watching The Long Game To Total Censorship Play Out"

"I don't believe any of this is a coincidence at all," explains TruthStream's Melissa Dykes.

"This is a coordinated effort to take everything that the government does not want people sharing online and slap labels on it: 'hate speech', 'cyber bullying', 'fake news', and now 'Russian propaganda' - mix it all together in a giant ball and justify censoring it. You can see, when you take a step back, how coordinated this effort really is."

New York Times Hires Politico's Self-Described "Hack" Who Sent Stories To Clinton For Approval

New York Times Hires Politico's Self-Described "Hack" Who Sent Stories To Clinton For Approval

Politico's Glenn Thrush, the "journalist" who was repeatedly exposed by WikiLeaks for shamelessly colluding with the Clinton campaign, has been hired by the New York Times to cover the White House.  In confirming the move with The Huffington Post, the NYT's Elisabeth Bumiller described Thrush as a "premier political journalist" and "master of breaking news."

CNN's Stelter: Trump Win Is A "National Emergency"

Submitted by Edmund Kozak via,

Those who expected the mainstream media to pause and reflect on its own biases following President-Elect Donald Trump’s victory are surely disappointed.

It has become inescapably clear that rather than attempt to break free from the ideological echo chamber in which they exist, liberal journalists in the mainstream media are only doubling down on progressive propaganda — descending ever further into self-parody.
