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Islamic State Recaptures Palmyra After Blitz Onslaught Leaves Russia With No Options

Islamic State Recaptures Palmyra After Blitz Onslaught Leaves Russia With No Options

Just as the Assad regime (with Russian support) is about to retake Aleppo in a critical offensive, one which would shift the momentum of the nearly 6-year-long Syrian proxy war entirely to the benefit of the country's ruling regime, something unexpected happened: one day after the US announced it would send another 200 ground troops to Syria, and two days after  Obama unexpectedly lifted a ban restricting the delivery of military aid to “foreign forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals,” Islamic State jihadists successfully recaptured the ancient desert city of Palmyra, after a much

Democratic Senator: Trump Cabinet Is Full Of "Goldman, Generals And Gazillionaires", Russia Hacking is "Form Of War"

Democratic Senator: Trump Cabinet Is Full Of  "Goldman, Generals And Gazillionaires", Russia Hacking is "Form Of War"

The "it's-not-our-fault, Russia-is-to-blame-for-Trump" narrative is escalating amid Sunday political talk shows with Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill spewing that any attempt by Russia to meddle in the United States presidential election should be seen as "a form of warfare."

“This should be not only about protecting us going forward, but this is a form of warfare,” McCaskill told ABC’s “This Week.”

Judge Slams "Namby Pamby Pathetic Losers", Asks Obama "Why Are You Obsessed WIth Russia?"

Saturday on "Justice", Judge Jeanine Pirro responded to President Obama's order that US intelligence agencies investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election, and submit the results of their studies to him before he leaves office in January.

"Seriously? Why Now?" Pirro said, " You have been watching the release of information from WikiLeaks for months. You have watched teh release of Hillary Clintons emails [and ] John Podesta's emails, and the disturbing information contained therein."


British Foreign Secretary Accuses Saudi Arabia Of “Proxy Wars”

British officials are not to happy about Boris Johnson’s recent criticism of their ally Saudi Arabia. Last week Johnson, the UK foreign secretary, blasted the Kingdom over its “proxy wars” in the Middle East and its military aggression against Yemen. Downing Street has been trying to gloss over Johnson’s remarks saying they are his own personal views and do not represent “the government’s position” His comments emerged just as Theresa May returned from a visit to Bahrain where she had dinner with the leaders of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states.

Trump Reignites China Diplomatic Spat, Says Not Bound By "One China" Policy

While the domestic US audience was focused on what Trump would say about the latest scandal of alleged Russian intervention in the US presidential elections, which as a reminder, he called "ridiculous" and suggested that democrats are behind the report, China was more curious by Trump's foreign policy thoughts, which may have sparked yet another diplomatic spat, because one week after Trump snubbed America's long-running "One China" policy, today the President-elect questioned whether the United States had to be bound by its long-standing position that Taiwan is part of "one China" and brus
