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"Hard-Core Clinton Fanatic" Manufactured "Viral Fake News" That MSNBC Used To Discredit Wikileaks

"Hard-Core Clinton Fanatic" Manufactured "Viral Fake News" That MSNBC Used To Discredit Wikileaks

Authored by Glenn Greenwald via The Intercept,

The phrase “Fake News” has exploded in usage since the election, but the term is similar to other malleable political labels such as “terrorism” and “hate speech”; because the phrase lacks any clear definition, it is essentially useless except as an instrument of propaganda and censorship. The most important fact to realize about this new term: those who most loudly denounce Fake News are typically those most aggressively disseminating it.

Clinton Aides "Soul Crushed" By Speculation Of Russian Election "Interference"

As the debacle of the too-secret-to-show-you fantasy CIA report 'proving' Russia's interference with the US election becomes the new news cycle narrative, Hillary Clinton staffers are reportedly "soul crushed" by these new 'facts'.

Following her screaming match with Trump campaign manager KellyAnne Conway last week, Clinton campaign manager Jennifer Plamieri tweeted this morning about her devastation at the 'news' of Russian interefence...

Nate Silver "Calculates" Hillary Would Win If Not For Comey, Russia As Democrats Come Swinging

In the immediate aftermath of last night's WaPo article revealing a "secret" CIA assessment according to which Russia (without a shred of evidence) helped Trump win the election, we explained - in five points - how this was nothing short of a "soft coup" attempt by leaders of the US Intel community and Obama administration to influence the Electoral College vote. To wit:

Has Liberty Departed From America? — Paul Craig Roberts

Has Liberty Departed From America?

Paul Craig Roberts

Can a few Internet sites save your existence as a free person protected by the US Constitution? Not without your help. If 400,000 Americans gave up the cost of a 6-pack of beer, it could mean the preservation of your freedom. If the millions of my readers were willing to give up the small cost of a 6-pack of beer, we could defeat the evil that rules the West.

Are your civil liberties less valuable to you than a 6-pack of beer?
