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U.K. Government Admits Funding ISIS

The U.K. government is funding ISIS to the tune of $723 million, according to leaked British government documents. The leaked documents reveal the British government is sending $723 million in “aid” to Somalia while admitting it is “certain” to be used to fund terror groups ISIS and Al-Shabaab. The revelation that the UK is funding ISIS comes in a leaked 41-page business plan drawn up by the UK’s Department for International Department. The Daily Mail reports that the document, leaked to The Mail on Sunday, outlines strategy until 2020, and is marked ‘Official Sensitive’ on every page.

Democrat Strategist on CNN Said ‘We Don’t Need White People Leading Democrats Now’

When asked by two CNN shills who she thought should be the next Chair of the DNC, democrat statagist, and former Bernie Sanders spokeswoman, Symone Sanders said 'we don't need white people leading the democrats now.' Instead, she felt someone of a darker persuasion should lead them, in order to best represent 'diversity.' Apparently, diversity doesn't include all races -- just the ones that aren't white -- according to Symone.

Tomorrow's Vote In Italy Will Be A "Wide-Ranging F**k Off", And It's Just The Start...

Submitted by Nick Giambruno via,

Tomorrow, December 4, Italy is holding a referendum that will determine the fate of the entire European Union.

Donald Trump’s victory—which shocked Europe’s political and media elite—gives the populists backing the “No” side of Italy’s referendum the political rocket fuel they need for a virtually guaranteed win.

That momentum will be all but impossible to reverse. Anti-elite sentiment is rising on both sides of the Atlantic. And I bet the global populist revolution will continue.
