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A Very Concise Explanation Of Why The Democrats Lost (And Will Keep Losing)

Via Jesse's Cafe Americain blog,

"This whole 'red scare' thing has become so thoroughly ridiculous, so blatantly propagandist and overblown, so pervasively passed around by mainstream media outlets without serious investigation, so obviously picked up off a shelf in ad hoc convenience, and so completely hypocritical by the professional elite, that I am tempted to write it off and forget about it. But I should probably be deeply troubled for other reasons.


Nearly All Patient Advocacy Groups Funded By Big Pharma

A new study has revealed that almost all US patient advocacy groups are funded and led by the drug industry Patient advocacy groups are supposed to be unbiased and  independent authorities championing the public interest with regard to drug and medical issues before the FDA. They claim to represent the true voice of constituents, untainted by special interest bias.

Will Rand Paul Fight Fake News With a Filibuster?

Via The Daily Bell 


Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has been on the warpath when it comes to President-elect Donald Trump’s secretary of state picks. He’s not been one to hold back commentary about former ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton, calling him a “menace,” and vowing that if Trump decided to go with Bolton, the Senator would gather the necessary votes to stop it. -The Blaze
