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VP Pence Lays Out Aggressive Agenda For First 100 Days

VP Pence Lays Out Aggressive Agenda For First 100 Days

Coming off the the "Thank Your Tour" that got started yesterday with stops in Indiana and Ohio, Vice President-Elect Mike Pence sat down with the Wall  Street Journal to discuss the new administration's aggressive plans for the first 100 days in office.  Pence said the new team plans for a "burst of activity" right out of the gate and said "the only thing that will surprise them is that Washington, D.C., is going to get an awful lot done in a short period of time."

Bombshell: Breitbart Murdered After Exposing Clinton Pedo Ring

Andrew Breitbart may have been murdered after uncovering evidence of a pedophile ring in Washington D.C. that directly implicated the Clinton’s.  According to Internet sleuths, Breitbart was very vocal that Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, was connected to a child sex ring in Washington that very likely included the Clinton’s and their cronies. Just weeks after Andrew Brietbart began going public on his findings, he was found dead under mysterious circumstances. Worryingly, his coroner was found dead just weeks later too. A tweet by Mr.

Obama To Sign Bill Making ‘Alternative Media’ Illegal

A new ‘anti-Russian propaganda’ bill is to be signed into law which will make it illegal to run an alternative media website in the United States.  Under the guise of combatting “Russian propaganda,” the House of Representatives passed the H.R.6393 bill, also known as ‘Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017‘. The bill is an attempt to counteract “measures by Russia to exert covert influence” in America. Worryingly, the definition of what constitutes “Russian influence” includes references to so-called ‘fake news’ websites and any site deemed anti-establishment.

McCarthyism Is Breaking Out All Over — Paul Craig Roberts

McCarthyism Is Breaking Out All Over

Paul Craig Roberts

Seasoned journalist, White House official, and historian Pat Buchanan has responded to the Washington Post’s fake news about the independent journalists on the 200 List being Russian agents by reminding us that the US government has always been a major disseminator of fake news.
