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13 Horrifying U.S. Government Human Experiments

From mind-control to STDs, the U.S. government has purposefully inflicted countless tortures upon citizens both at home and abroad. Conspiracy theory nuts are known for being out there, but once you read the wild government stories on this list, you will be a believer too. 1: Project MKUltra Beginning in the early 1950’s, the U.S. government started conducting illegal experiments on U.S. and Canadian citizens (including children) with the intention of developing drugs and procedures used to interrogate and torture.

70% Of Immigrants Admitted Under Obama's "Minor Refugee" Program Are Actually Adults

70% Of Immigrants Admitted Under Obama's "Minor Refugee" Program Are Actually Adults

Two years ago the Obama administration sought out to tackle a "crisis" that involved minors seeking out "human smugglers" to help with transportation across the U.S. - Mexico border.  So, with a swipe of the pen, Obama signed an executive order allowing minors of certain Central American countries to flee to the U.S. under a "refugee/parole program." 
