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Meet The Real "Fake News"

Meet The Real "Fake News"

In its attempt to redirect the public's attention from its historic failure to deliver unbiased, objective, factual reporting in the context of the presidential election in which virtually every single mainstream media outlet was revealed (courtesy of the hacked Podesta emails) and acted as a Public Relations arm for the Clinton campaign, said media has opened a new can of worms by ushering in the topic of "fake news" - a purposefully vague, undefined term meant to deflect and scapegoat by "exposing" propaganda websites, which in the latest incarnation of the narrative, are now allegedly se

First US Casualty In Syria Dies In ISIS IED Blast

The first U.S. combat death in Syria occurred Thursday when a Special Forces member died from wounds sustained by an ISIS improvised explosive device, says CNN, citing the Pentagon. U.S. forces suffer their first casualty in northern Syria on Thursday while engaged in an offensive against ISIS. CNN Politics reports: This marks the first time a US service member has been killed inside Syria since a small number of US Special Forces were sent there last year to advise and assist Syrian forces battling ISIS, also known as ISIL.

Erdogan Threatens To Unleash Migrant Crisis Into Europe

Turkey’s President Erdogan has vowed to open his country’s border and release hundreds of thousands of migrants into Europe if the European Parliament continues to halt EU membership talks. Yesterday the Euro Parliament voted for a temporary freeze on Turkey’s EU accession talks in response to concerns over Erdogan’s heavy-handed crackdown following July’s failed coup. Daily Mail reports: Turkey’s bid to join the EU now looks doomed after the European Parliament demanded that membership talks with Ankara are frozen.

More Lies From The Experts — Paul Craig Roberts

More Lies From The Experts
Get Trump at all costs

Paul Craig Roberts

As flyover America has been suffering economically for many years, these Americans were immune to the oligarchy’s anti-Trump propaganda. However, everyone else in the country was taken in by the propaganda—liberals, progressives, the remnant of the leftwing, and even Patrick Martin of the World Socialist Web Site who normally writes intelligent commentary.
