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Trump Victory May Open Floodgates For Illegal Settlement Boom

Israel is looking forward to the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States as it may allow resumption of illegal settlement building in East Jerusalem. Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election may spark a building boom in East Jerusalem as Israeli authorities consider starting a wave of illegal settlement construction that was frozen under President Obama.

Putin Confirms Trump Is Willing To Normalize Russian-American Relations

The shadow cold war between the US and Russia may finally be over.

One week ago, Vladimir Putin explicitly called Donald Trump - something he hasn't done to a standing US president in years - in which the Russian leader congratulated the president-elect on his victory in the presidential election, wished him "success in the implementation of the pre-election program, and noted his willingness to build a partnership dialogue with the new administration on the principles of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in the internal affairs of each other."

Queen To Invite Trump To Britain For State Visit

The Queen is set to invite Donald Trump to Windsor Castle as part of a Government strategy to foster closer ties with the President-elect. Plans for Mr Trump’s official state visit in the summer of 2017 are being drawn up at the highest levels in Whitehall. The Queen’s invitation is reportedly seen by Whitehall as a “secret weapon” to boost the “special relationship” between London and Washington….. as well as an attempt to disrupt UKIP’s ties with the new president.

Clinton’s Lead Exceeds 1.5 M In Popular Vote Count

As ballots continue to be counted in the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton continues to widen the gap in terms of the popular vote. As of now she has received over 1.5 million more votes than President-elect Donald Trump nationwide. Trump won the election in a spectacular fashion, but his presidency will be marred by the fact that it is the biggest loss for a winning candidate in terms of the popular vote. Hillary Clinton has by far the biggest popular victory in terms of numbers for a candidate who was defeated.

ISIS Instructed Not To Attack U.S. In Secret Document

More evidence of cooperation between the US and ISIS has been uncovered in Iraq after local militia uncovered Islamic State documents near Mosul that instruct jihadists not to attack US coalition aircraft in Mosul or the surrounding area. During US election season, WikiLeaks confirmed what many already suspected, that the US government, or at least certain members of it, were implicitly aiding the Islamic State – with Hillary Clinton even accepting millions from the very same governments who fund the jihadist group.
