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Study Finds Free Speech Is Under Massive Attack

A new report by the Economist newspaper has found that online freedom of speech is under massive attack, as government’s attempt to impose strict censorship rules worldwide.   Their report mirrors what other watchdogs are saying: government censorship, threats of violence and social justice warriors all pose a threat to the future of the free internet. reports: Free speech is under attack in three ways. First, repression by governments has increased. Several countries have reimposed cold-war controls or introduced new ones.

Bernie Sanders' Last Stand: A Preview Of Tonight's Primaries

Bernie Sanders' Last Stand: A Preview Of Tonight's Primaries

Although the AP called the Democratic race for Hillary last night (stunningly on a day when nobody voted), and Trump secured the GOP nomination long ago, the show must go on so that those in the remaining states will have their opportunity to cast a vote.

Of course, Bernie Sanders will look for the upset in California this evening, and is hoping to convince enough superdelegates to support him at the convention in Philadelphia - Something the AP thought was out of the cards.

Clinton Wins Ahead Of Super Tuesday, ‘Tempering The Raging Masses’

Establishment media declares Hillary Clinton Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee before millions of Americans had a chance to cast their ballots in today’s crucial Super Tuesday primaries with 700 delegates up for grabs. Hillary Clinton surrogate and former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, weighs in on the issue of super-delegates and their use in “temper[ing] the raging masses.” The inclusion of super-delegates in the tally of votes allows media outlets like CNN and others to orchestrate a mass final campaign for their favorite establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton.

As Long As The Russian Government Foolishly Keeps Agreeing To Cease Fires, The War In Syria Will Continue Indefinitely

As Long As The Russian Government Foolishly Keeps Agreeing To Cease Fires, The War In Syria Will Continue Indefinitely

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