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11 Killed, 36 Wounded After Deadly Bomb Attack In Istanbul Targeting Police

11 Killed, 36 Wounded After Deadly Bomb Attack In Istanbul Targeting Police

A bomb was placed inside a car and detonated as a bus carrying riot police passed during rush hour traffic in Istanbul today, killing seven police officers and four civilians, and leaving 36 wounded.

The explosion occurred on a busy intersection near an Istanbul University building, forcing officials to cancel exams. The blast caused the police bus to overturn from the force, and a nearby hotel was gutted and the windows were blown out - fortunately the hotel was closed and had no guests.

Secret Service Agent: Hillary Beat Bill Clinton ‘Black and Blue’

A Secret Service agent who worked for Bill Clinton claims that Hillary used to beat the former President black and blue in fits of rage.  Gary Byrne, former secret service agent, has written a tell-all book about his time serving the Clinton’s at the White House. reports: Hillary Clinton’s campaign is scrambling as details emerge of a shocking “tell-all” book written by an ex-Secret Service agent, Gary Byrne, who protected the Clintons during the 1990s.

US State Department Issues Travel Warning For Europe

The U.S. State Department are warning U.S. citizens against travelling to all parts of Europe, saying that there is a strong chance of an impending terrorist attack.  According to the travel warning, the State Department claim that there is a strong chance that ISIS will strike major events, tourist sites, restaurants, commercial centers and public transportation in the coming summer months. reports: As part of the State Department’s continuous efforts to provide Americans travelling abroad with information about relevant events, we are alerting U.S.

Propaganda Bill In Congress Could Give America Its Very Own Ministry Of "Truth"

Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

In the true Orwellian fashion now typifying 2016, a bill to implement the U.S.’ very own de facto Ministry of Truth has been quietly introduced in Congress - its lack of fanfare appropriate given the bill’s equally subtle language. As with any legislation attempting to dodge the public spotlight, however, the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016 marks a further curtailment of press freedom and another avenue to stultify avenues of accurate information.

New York Governor Signs Executive Order Outlawing Criticism of Israel

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed an executive order that will punish any person or business caught criticising Israel.  In a speech to The Harvard Club, Cuomo said that New York will not tolerate any form of Israeli boycott. “We are also a place of action,” he said. “We want to take immediate action because we want Israel to know that we’re on their side. If you boycott against Israel, New York will boycott you.” reports: The point of a boycott is that it is impossible to construe it as other than passive, civil disobedience. To criminalize it speaks volumes.
