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Congress Members Ask President Biden to Stop the Effort to Prosecute Julian Assange

On October 26, I wrote about United States House of Representatives members Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) gathering signatures from other House members for a letter to President Joe Biden. The letter asks the president to drop both the US government’s requested extradition and its ongoing prosecution efforts in regard to Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. Here is an update. This week, Massie and McGovern, along with 13 additional representatives and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), sent the letter to Biden.

Tulsi Gabbard’s Warmongering is Nothing New

Some people are expressing surprise about the warmongering comments Tulsi Gabbard has been making in regard to the Israel war that has been ramping up over the last few weeks. I thought she was for peace; how can she be saying this? That’s what some people are asking when discovering the recent comments of Gabbard who had worked hard to portray herself in the 2020 presidential election as the candidate for voters favoring peace.

Charted: The Number of North Korean Defectors (1998-2023)

Why Are the Number of North Korean Defectors Decreasing?

North Korea, formally known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, is a totalitarian dictatorship with extremely limited freedoms and rights reported for its citizens.

Due to the country’s tight controls on borders and information, people that want to leave the country often have to physically escape and are known as defectors.
