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Four Reasons Hillary Clinton Is So Unpopular

Contra Brooks, it’s not complicated at all.

1. She still has strong and passionate primary opposition. Her general election opponent no longer does. Her net favorability rating among Democrats dropped from 61% in January to 36% in April, and no doubt has fallen further since then. Just eyeballing, this looks like the primary explanation of her dramatic drop in approval in recent months.

Hillary In Trouble: State Department Says Clinton Did Not Comply With Federal Record Policies

Hillary In Trouble: State Department Says Clinton Did Not Comply With Federal Record Policies

In a surprising reversal, what many thought was impossible, namely the State Department cracking down on its former head and Democratic presidential frontrunner, Hillary Clinton, seems all too possible following news that the State Department Insecptor General audit has faulted Hillary Clinton, other secretaries of state for poorly managing electronic communications.

ISIS Executes Own Leaders By Feeding Them To Dogs

ISIS is coming up with more gruesome ways to punish unruly members and instill terror and fear into others. The terrorist group is setting attack dogs on its failing commanders in order to gain obedience through fear of punishment (supposedly Islamic) from remaining members.  The Daily Caller reports: Hasan Khala Hasan, a Peshmerga commander, relayed the new execution method to the AhlulBayt news agency. According to the commander, ISIS deployed the attack dogs because several leaders failed to fulfill their duties. ISIS tied these leaders to trees.
