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58 House Democrats Vote To Impeach Trump; Vote Fails

58 House Democrats Vote To Impeach Trump; Vote Fails

We have officially lost count of the number of times that Democrats have now attempted to pass a resolution to impeach President Trump, let alone, alleged sex abuser Congressman Al Green who brought today's motion. In today's case, even his own party's leadership voted against it, calling the move premature.

Texas representative, Al Green, a liberal lawmaker, forced the House to vote Wednesday on impeaching President Donald Trump, despite suggestions from the Republicans and Democrats that he let it go.

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem As Israel's Capital As Middle East Prepares For Violence

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem As Israel's Capital As Middle East Prepares For Violence

As expected, President Trump on Wednesday recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and announced plans to relocate the U.S. embassy there, a decision that is certain to inflame tensions in the region and throw a wrench in potential peace negotiations, paradoxically uniting the fractured midle east world against Israel... and the U.S.

"I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel," Trump said shortly after 1pm in the White House.

Al Franken To Make An Announcement Tomorrow After 11 Democratic Senators Demand Resignation

Al Franken To Make An Announcement Tomorrow After 11 Democratic Senators Demand Resignation

Update: 11 Senate Democrats and DNC Chair Tom Perez have now demanded Franken's resignation and his office says in a brief e-mailed statement, Sen. Al Franken will make an announcement tomorrow, without further detail on what the announcement would be.

  • Sen. Gillibrand
  • Sen. Hirono
  • Sen. McCaskill
  • Sen. Hassan
  • Sen. Harris
  • Sen. Murray
  • Sen. Baldwin
  • Sen. Casey
  • Sen. Donnelly
  • Sen. Brown
  • Sen. Stabenow

*  *  *

Chuck Grassley Demands FBI Produce All Strzok Text Messages As Part Of Trump Anti-Bias Probe

Following this weekend's shocking disclosure that Peter Strzok was removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russia-Trump election (having previously handled the Clinton email server probe and interviewing Michael Flynn) after allegedly having exchanged anti-Trump and pro-Hillary Clinton text messages with his mistress (who was an FBI lawyer working for Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe), an angry Senator Senator Grassley - who was previously stonewalled by the FBI and DOJ from getting requested information about Strzok's unexpected removal - has issued a letter demandi

Shutdown Imminent? Bitter Divisions Remain As Lawmakers Scramble To Pass Funding Bill

Shutdown Imminent? Bitter Divisions Remain As Lawmakers Scramble To Pass Funding Bill

Lawmakers are just two days away from the expiration of the continuing resolution that's been funding the government for the last two months, and yet many battles over a host of intractable issues are still being fought. At this point, passing something by midnight Friday - when the continuing resolution expires -is looking increasingly problematic.
