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"If The Whole Country Looked Like Alabama, Donald Trump Would Be Fine"

"If The Whole Country Looked Like Alabama, Donald Trump Would Be Fine"

After the 2012 election, in which Barack Obama won 71 percent of the Hispanic vote, the Republican National Committee found it necessary to conduct an in depth study of the loss, dubbing it the "most comprehensive post-election review" ever undertaken."

The result of the study concluded that... wait for it...the GOP needed to do much more to reach Hispanics if it hoped to win the White House someday.

"What Is Worrisome Is The Increasing Scale Of Violence" - Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Turns To Arson In Germany

"What Is Worrisome Is The Increasing Scale Of Violence" - Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Turns To Arson In Germany

By now everyone is well aware that the sentiment in Germany is beginning to take on a very anti-immigrant (specifically Muslim immigrant) tone. Not only is sentiment shifting, but now violent actions are being put behind the ever growing contempt for immigrants within Germany as well.

As The Local reports, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of arson fires at refugee shelters throughout the country.

Saudi Lies and the War on Yemen

This exchange between an interviewer for NPR’s Morning Edition and a spokesman for Saudi Arabia makes for depressing reading:

ASIRI: Unfortunately, today, there is no team from Human Rights Watch on the ground.

KELLY: They went. They saw it.

ASIRI: No. No one can get in Yemen without the permission of the coalition. So we don’t have single permission from the United Nations on the ground.
