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Houthi Rebels Take Over Yemen Capital After Killing Ex-President Saleh

After years of fighting, the capital of Yemen, Sanaa, has reportedly fallen under control of Houthi rebel fighters, according to media citing the Interior Ministry. The Iran-backed group has allegedly retaken the city after killing former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, whose death was just confirmed by a party official.

Is President Trump's Legal Team Preparing For An Imminent "Obstruction Of Justice" Charge?

President Trump set off a new wave of mainstream media outrage over the weekend when he publicly admitted that he was aware that Flynn had lied to the FBI and Vice President when he made the decision to fire him.  Not surprisingly, the Left has used the admission to once again suggest that Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey for simply pursuing charges against someone who Trump himself already knew to be guilty.

Trump Backs Roy Moore, Blasts Doug Jones As "A Pelosi/Schumer Puppet"

Trump Backs Roy Moore, Blasts Doug Jones As "A Pelosi/Schumer Puppet"

For the first time, President Donald Trump has endorsed Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore after previously defending the embattled Republican in a series of offhand comments to reporters last month.

Last month, the Washington Post published a bombshell story including allegations from a woman who said she had sexually inappropriate contact with Moore when he was a 32-year-old assistant DA and she was a 14-year-old high school student. Since then, seven other woman have come forward to accuse Moore of pursuing them when they were teenagers.
