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Too Much Democracy: The Game - For The Elites - Is Over

Authored by Anis Shivani, originally posted at,

Our awful elites gutted America. Now they dare ring alarms about Trump, Sanders — and cast themselves as saviors. Both parties ignored workers, spewed hate, enriched themselves, hollowed out democracy... And now the problem's populism?

This week, on the night of the Indiana primary, I read one of the most loathsome political screeds it has been my misfortune to encounter.

Homeland Security To Conduct Fake "Bioterrorism" Subway Terror Attack In New York City

Following 'Jade Helm' last summer, 2016 appears to have seen an escalation in social unrest and domestic terrorisim threat reaction among America's authorities. FEME undertaking domestic riot training in the south last month, battle-tanks rolling through Houston last week, and now the Department of Homeland Security plans a bioterrorism attack drill next in the NYC Subway.

Nuclear War: Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) Turned On Its Head

Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander General Wesley Clark expects the U.S. to retaliate against Russia in case of a nuclear war in Europe. The four star retired General of the United States Army, told CNN that if Russia attacked hypothetically “say, Warsaw,” then “Putin-dominated” Russia should expect a retaliation. “We’re going to play back then,” he said. The Russians are fearful of NATO expansion eastwards encroaching into their sphere of influence.

Erdogan "Prince Of Europe" Rejects EU Demands To Reform Terrorist Law

Erdogan "Prince Of Europe" Rejects EU Demands To Reform Terrorist Law

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

Pretending Period is Over

The refugee crisis in Europe got more interesting this week.

Within hours of Brussels giving the green light on Merkel’s ill-advised deal with Turkey, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan sacked sacked Ahmet Davutoglu, the prime minister who negotiated the deal with German chancellor Angela Merkel.

For details see EU Approves Deal With Turkey (Then All Hell Breaks Loose).

Ron Paul Could Become Trump’s Secretary Of State

Neocon journalist Jennifer Rubin has said that she is afraid that Donald Trump will select Ron Paul to be Secretary of State in a Trump administration. Rubin, a Washington Post journalist, is an ardent supporter of American military intervention and the ongoing war on terror. reports: What is it that keeps the Washington Post’s hyperventilating neocon scribbler Jennifer Rubin up at night? The fact that Ron Paul’s lifelong efforts to promote a peaceful foreign policy continue to light fires in the imaginations of his fellow Americans.
