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BBC’s Coverage Of The Queens Birthday Is ‘Out Of Touch With Reality’

The BBC’s coverage of Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th birthday is “out of touch with reality,” according to the anti-monarchy group Republic. The group accuses the publicly funded broadcaster of ignoring corruption in its ‘gushing’ celebration of the royal family and failure to meet its own objectivity standards, which require “fair, balanced and proportionate” coverage. RT reports: Republic, which campaigns for the abolition of the monarchy, accuse the BBC of ignoring the “corruption and abuse of position” by the royals. Queen Elizabeth II turns 90 on Wednesday.

Britain Is Blindly Sleep-Walking Into An Orwellian Surveillance State

Britain is sleep-walking into an Orwellian surveillance state according to a new survey, which suggests most people are either unaware of or not interested in the far-reaching implications of the government’s Investigatory Powers (IP) Bill A broadband comparison site, Broadband Genie, conducted a poll which revealed the widespread confusion many Brits are experiencing with respect to the legislation known as the ‘snoopers charter’ which is soon to be implemented. The bill allows UK law enforcement bodies unprecedented access to the peoples online activities.

In "Unprecedented Snub", Saudi Arabia Demands "Recalibration Of Relationship" With U.S.

In "Unprecedented Snub", Saudi Arabia Demands "Recalibration Of Relationship" With U.S.

As Obama concludes his fourth and supposedly final meeting to Saudi Arabia as U.S. president, the White House was quick to explain where relations with the Saudi Kingdom lay, and as CNN reported this morning, moved to tamp down suggestions that ties with Saudi Arabia are fraying, with administration officials saying that President Barack Obama "really cleared the air" with King Salman at a meeting Wednesday.

Additional Evidence Of Mind-Boggling Fraud Emerges from The New York Primary

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

For the past week or so, I’ve been warning readers that the supposedly “liberal” state of New York has some of the most repressive voting laws in the country. Before reading the rest of this post, I suggest refreshing your memory on just how undemocratic New York is by checking out the following:

Published April 13th: Hillary Clinton Will Win New York, Because New York is Running a Banana Republic Primary
