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Obama: Saudi Government Have No Legal Protection For 9/11 Crimes

President Obama has announced that Saudi Arabia will be held fully accountable for any potential crimes they committed on 9/11, saying that the Saudi regime are not immune to prosecution.  The classified pages of the 9/11 Commission report will “hopefully” be released soon, he said, but urged caution in pursuing legal action until all of the facts are known.

Letter from the Netherlands

Letter from the Netherlands, formerly known as Holland, the Home of the Dutch People

Observations about the vassal status of the Netherlands

Thank you for your excellent and powerful articles about Neocon policies and how they destroy world peace. As a Dutch citizen (having done an MBA in the US in the seventies) I’m appalled at the slide into sycophantic behavior of our elites and press. A few facts to illustrate:

The Smoking Gun: "Document 17" Links Saudi Embassy In Washington To Sept 11

The Smoking Gun: "Document 17" Links Saudi Embassy In Washington To Sept 11

With the topic of Saudi Arabia's involvement in the Sept 11 attack on everyone's lips, if certainly not those of president Obama who is currently in Riyadh where he is meeting with members of Saudi royalty in what may be his last trip to the Saudi nation as US president, many have been clamoring for the information in the suddenly notorious "28-pages" (following the recent 60 Minutes episode) to be released to the public so the US population can finally relegate all those "conspiracy theories" surrounding the real perpetrator behind the Sept 11 terrorist attack to the "conspiracy fact" pile

Summing Up Ted Cruz' Terrible Night (In 1 Painful Table)

Summing Up Ted Cruz' Terrible Night (In 1 Painful Table)

Things did not go well for Ted Cruz last night, but his performance in New York's 16th District was especially depressive...

Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz was so disliked in Westchester County’s 16th congressional district that residents cast more votes for Ben Carson - who is no longer running...


Carson, who bowed out of the GOP race in March, was still featured on Tuesday’s ballot as his request to be removed was made after the deadline had passed.

Roughly translated...
