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Britain’s New Libya Plan Shrouded in Secrecy

British prime minister David Cameron has come under renewed pressure to reveal details of possible UK military action in Libya after it emerged that a number of British special forces troops had already been operating in the country since January. EU ministers are holding a special meeting on Monday evening to discuss sending police and border forces to the North African country. The British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond also paid an apparent unannounced visit to Tripoli in a show of support for the country’s new UN-backed government.

Putin: Russia Warns It Will Restore Istanbul Back To Christianity

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a stark warning to the government of Turkey, saying that if they do not leave Syria alone he will restore Istanbul to Christendom.  Addressing a delegation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Putin began by reiterating that nothing can severe the alliance Russia has with Ukraine, despite efforts by the ruling junta in Kiev.

The Myth of ‘Indispensability’ and Our Free-Rider Problem

Christopher Preble adds to the discussion about U.S. allies and clients:

We can see, then, that for all the talk of free riding, for all those instances when some U.S. government official expresses concern or frustration that allies don’t do more to defend themselves and their interests, it’s just that: talk. For the dominant foreign-policy community, allies are the equivalent of Facebook friends. U.S. officials count them, rank them, and occasionally thank them. But we don’t ever expect these “allies” to actually do anything for us in return.
