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TOP ISIS Leaders Flee To America Under Secret CIA Project

A Kremlin report released this week has revealed that the Obama administration have allowed at least 13 top ISIS commanders to enter the United States posing as immigrants in order to prevent Russian troops from capturing them. Russia have accused the U.S. of protecting their “assets” in a move that has been likened to Operation Paperclip during World War 2 – in which over 1,500 Nazi war criminals were allowed to secretly enter the United States.

The Delusional Establishment

After winning only six delegates in Wisconsin, and with Ted Cruz poaching delegates in states he has won, like Louisiana, Donald Trump either wins on the first ballot at Cleveland, or Trump does not win.

Yet, as that huge, roaring reception he received in his first post-Wisconsin appearance in Bethpage, N.Y., testifies, the Donald remains not only the front-runner, but the most exciting figure in the race.

Corrupt Icelandic Officials To Free Jailed Bankers

Three jailed bankers from Iceland were freed on Thursday due to a change in law brought about by corrupt politicians in the country.  Former Kaupthing Chairperson of the Board Sigurður Einarsson, former Kaupthing Luxembourg CEO Magnús Guðmundsson and former 10% owner of Kaupthing Ólafur Ólafsson have been released from Kvíabryggja prison, despite opposition from members of the public. reports: They will instead move to a halfway house, Vernd, where they will have to return every night but will otherwise be free.

Caught On Tape: Russian Attack Helicopter Hunts, Destroys ISIS Vehicles

While the "war against ISIS" has been quietly pulled from the front pages in recent months (even as both Russia and the US continue to pile forces into Syria), having served its political purpose, it continues on the ground. As evidence we have the following newly-released videos show Russian Mil Mi-28NE Night Hunter helicopters hunting Islamic State vehicles in Syria.

