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Reddit Removes Statement Saying It Doesn’t Hand Over User Info

Popular website forum reddit attempted to quietly remove a section on its site where it once told users it had never received a US government surveillance request. Many users are upset because they believe reddit may now be complying with US Government requests to give up information on its users to clandestine government authorities or agencies.

State Department Suspends Probe Of "Top Secret" Clinton Emails

State Department Suspends Probe Of "Top Secret" Clinton Emails

While the media goes into a frenzy every time someone is punched or maced at a Trump rally, or frankly any time Trump says anything out of place (and lately he has has had more than his fair share of supply), what according to many is the real scandal, is quietly being doused with the media obligingly looking the other way.

Moments ago, AP reported that the State Department has suspended its internal review into whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or her top aides mishandled emails containing information now deemed "top secret."

Turkish Security Forces Kill Syrian Refugees Trying To Cross Border

Turkish border forces have shot dead refugees as they tried to escape the Syrian conflict, according to reports. A UK-based monitoring group, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has claimed that 16 people seeking sanctuary in Turkey have been shot over the past four months. The Mail Online reports: The true number is believed to be higher, according to a Syrian police officer and a Syrian smuggler who lives in Turkey, but it is impossible to say exactly how many because the bodies of those who fell on the Syrian side of the border were dragged back to be buried in the war zone.

"Whoever Wins In Cleveland, The Establishment Must Lose"

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

The Wisconsin primary could be an axle-breaking speed bump on Donald Trump’s road to the nomination.

Ted Cruz, now the last hope to derail Trump of a desperate Beltway elite that lately loathed him, has taken the lead in the Badger State.

Millions in attack ads are being dumped on the Donald’s head by super PACs of GOP candidates, past and present. Gov. Scott Walker has endorsed Cruz. Conservative talk radio is piling on Trump.
