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GOP Civil War

A very angry reader writes (I’ve slightly edited for clarity and civility):

I haven’t made any secret about the fact that, at times, I’ve found your rhetoric concerning the “GOP elite” a bit over the top.

But then I read this piece on NRO’s The Corner by Jim Geraghty.Heaven knows I am not a Trump supporter in any way, shape or form, but get a load of this:

Alex Jones Claims Trump Campaign’s Battery Charge Is ‘False Flag’

Donald Trump’s favorite conspiracy theorist Alex Jones says the arrest and battery charge of by Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, over an attack on a woman reporter, was a “false flag” event by the establishment. Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields at a campaign event in Florida was trying to interview Donald Trump. Before she was able to make full contact with the Donald, either verbally, physically, emotionally or even spiritually, she was rudely dispatched out of the way by Lewandowski, who managed to bruise her arm.

Former Bush Official Laments "We Are The Death Merchants Of The World"

Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

“I think Smedley Butler was onto something,” Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former George W. Bush administration heavyweight, told Salon in an exclusive interview.

Major General Smedley Butler earned the highest rank in the U.S. Marine Corps, accumulating numerous accolades as he helped lead the United States through decades of war. He later became an ardent critic of such militarism and imperialism.
