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FBI "Increasingly Certain" Hillary Broke The Law, Stone-Walled By White House

FBI "Increasingly Certain" Hillary Broke The Law, Stone-Walled By White House

Following the granting of immunity to Hillary Clinton's top IT guy, it appears the law - which has so conveniently until now been above - is beginning to catch up to the prospective US president. As The Washington Examiner reports,

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is losing confidence in Hillary Clinton and her mishandling of a private email server, a New York Post columnist suggested on Sunday.


It’s Trump’s Party

Terrible news for the GOP establishment out of the CBS News/New York Times poll. Donald Trump is solidifying his hold on the party.

Forty-six percent of primary voters said they would like to see Mr. Trump as the party’s nominee, more than at any point since he declared his candidacy in June. Twenty-six percent favored Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, and 20 percent backed Gov. John Kasich of Ohio.

Fully three-quarters of Republican primary voters expect Mr. Trump to be their party’s nominee.

FBI Cancels Encryption Showdown With Apple After "3rd Party" Showed Them How To Unlock iPhone

FBI Cancels Encryption Showdown With Apple After "3rd Party" Showed Them How To Unlock iPhone

Following a mysterious "third party"'s willingness to show The FBI how to unlock San Bernardino killer Farook's iPhone, court records indicate that the US government wishes to cancel tomorrow's showdown with Apple, filing a motion to vacate the hearing.

Hours after Tim Cook explcitly told the world (marketed) his firm would never sell out their privacy...


The US government filed a motion on Monday to vacate Tuesday’s hearing against Apple.
