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EU, Turkey Strike Migrant Deal; Erdogan Gets €6 Billion

EU, Turkey Strike Migrant Deal; Erdogan Gets €6 Billion

Turkey and the EU came back to the negotiating table on Thursday and Friday in Brussels in the latest installment of a long-running attempt to hammer out a deal that will help stem the flow of refugees into Europe.

Germany, Sweden, Austria, and a number of other countries are quite literally breaking under the pressure and everyone involved fears things could get far worse as winter turns to spring and the Balkan route thaws.

US Ally: Democracy, Freedom Have "Absolutely No Value Any Longer"

Submitted by Jason Ditz via,

Concerns about Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s authoritarian leanings have been at the fore in the nation’s political dialogue since he assumed the presidency, and appear to have been well founded, as in a televised speech today he declared “democracy, freedom, and the rule of law have absolutely no value any longer.”

The Coming GOP Realignment?

Steve Sailer quotes from a very interesting David Frum tweetstorm analyzing the GOP’s dilemma — this, in reaction to an interview House Speaker Paul Ryan gave to the WSJ. Frum discusses the inability of the Republican Party’s elites to understand what nemesis is upon it. The tweetstorm ends like this:

12) Yet even as the R elite sees what’s probably coming, it won’t believe it. What worked in 1980 must work again. It just *must*.

Syrian Girl Explains The Real Reason For Russia’s Withdrawal From Syria

Maram Susli also known as SyrianGirl explains why Russia decided to withdraw troops from Syria, and analyses how this decision will affect the situation on the ground.  We are of the view that a geo-political deal has been struck with Russia over Syria but until the details of that deal are made public Syrian Girls explanation are the most rational short term explanation of Russia’s moves.

When Trump Beats Hillary

“If his poll numbers hold, Trump will be there six months from now when the Sweet 16 is cut to the Final Four, and he will likely be in the finals.” My prediction, in July of 2015, looks pretty good right now.

Herewith, a second prediction. Republican wailing over his prospective nomination aside, Donald Trump could beat Hillary Clinton like a drum in November.
