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Turkey's Erdogan Goes Full-Dictator: Designates Journalists And Teachers As "Terrorists"; Arrests Lawyers

Turkey's Erdogan Goes Full-Dictator: Designates Journalists And Teachers As "Terrorists"; Arrests Lawyers

“It is not only the person who pulls the trigger, but those who made that possible who should be defined as terrorists, regardless of their title,” Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan said on Monday, in an attempt to convince parliament to include journalists, politicians, academics, and activists under the country’s anti-extremism laws.

Preparing For World War 3: US Army Stockpiles Weapons Near China

The U.S. military will place large stockpiles of weapons in various countries bordering China, in a bid to prepare for a potential World War 3 scenario in the near future.  The Army will place munitions in Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, and other “undisclosed locations” – as tensions between China and the West increase. reports: US officials state that the munitions caches, placed within areas China considers to be within its “sphere of influence,” are necessary to respond to regional “threats” by Russia and North Korea, and allow for more rapid deployment.

Did Trump Protest Tactics Backfire?

As I drove away from Reagan National Airport on Monday, I heard a report on WMAL radio that a group supporting Sen. Bernie Sanders had tweeted out a congratulations to those who had forced the cancellation of Donald Trump’s speech in Chicago.

The tweet called the cancellation a “great victory” and saluted the “thousands” of people and “dozen” groups that had helped bring about the protest.

By the next day (Tuesday), the “victory” did not look so great.  

Why Military Hospitals Are Unhealthy and Inefficient

Incredible waste is, of course, natural to Washington, particularly in the trillion dollar national security budget—which includes nuclear bombs, intelligence, and veterans’ costs. Three years ago, when I suggested “16 Ways to Cut Defense Spending,” one of the cost savings I wrote about was duplicative hospital costs, this from a system of separate Army, Navy, and Air Force medical services. They should be combined into a single system, but imagine the screaming about lost jobs.
