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Hillary Clinton 2016: War Criminal For President

Hardly discussed in the Hillary Clinton 2016 Democratic Party presidential primaries race is Hillary’s actions in the illegal 2009 Honduras coup, a major human rights crisis, which lead to the recent murder of an esteemed human rights activist. There is a noteworthy difference between Senator Bernie Sanders and Secretary Hillary Clinton on their positions on whether children who fled violence in Central American countries, namely Honduras, two years ago should be deported or allowed to remain in the United States. Sen.

In Dramatic Move, Syrian Kurds Set To Declare Proto-State On Erdogan's Border

Well, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s worst nightmare is about to come true.

For days there have been rumors that Syria might attempt to adopt some manner of federal system at peace talks in Geneva as a kind of compromise on the way to negotiating a political solution to the country’s five-year conflict that’s killed some 300,000 people and created the worst refugee crisis Europe has seen since World War II.

"Is This What We Want For A President?" - Trump Launches First Hillary Attack Ad

For weeks, pundits had been wondering why Donald Trump is holding back from launching direct attacks on Hillary Clinton: after all, only some unpredictable event, or a "brokered convention" (which would "lead to riots" according to Trump) can prevent Trump from being the republican candidate at this point, and the longer Trump delays, the higher the momentum against him on the national arena.

That all changed earlier today when Trump finally launched his first "attack ad" against Hillary in a tweet asking "Is this what we want for a president":

Theresa May’s Cleavage Sparks Debate On Budget Day

The dress worn by Home Secretary Theresa May during the 2016 budget in Parliament on Wednesday has caused a debate. Observers of George Osborne’s 2016 budget were distracted by the appearance of the Home Secretary sitting next to the Chancellor in a cleavage-boosting red outfit. The Mirror reports: As George Osborne ploughed through the budget, delivering a string of figures about the economy’s growth, it is hardly suprising some minds started to wander. And when Mrs May was wearing a striking red dress right next to him it was hardly surprising she caught the eye.
