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Canada Gives Free Computers To Syrian Refugees

Canada has announced that it will provide 7,500 refurbished computers through resettlement organisations to Syrian refugees to help them with schooling, jobs and skills. Israel National News reports: The computers are to be distributed by resettlement organizations through an existing Computers for Schools program that makes computer equipment available “at little or no cost to those who may not otherwise have access to technology and opportunities to learn digital skills,” said a statement. The government also said it would pick up the Can$1.25 million tab ($940,000 US).

UN Demands Prosecution Of North Korea Over ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

The UN have demanded that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un be prosecuted for ‘crimes against humanity’ due to his ongoing pursual of nuclear weapons.  Marzuki Darusman has urged the United Nations to hold Kim and other senior North Korean officials accountable for their ongoing development of weapons of mass destruction whilst ignoring the fact that many of its citizens lack access to sufficient food. reports: He was addressing the U.N. Human Rights Council at a session boycotted by the delegation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Turkish Airstrikes Kill Kurds In Iraq Following Ankara Attack

Turkey have launched an attack on Kurds living in Iraq following a suicide car bombing on Sunday, that killed 37 in the Turkish capital.  Ankara have launched airstrikes on Kurdish militants on Monday, despite no evidence that they were responsible for Sunday’s blast. reports: There was no assertion of responsibility for the attack, but Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said “very serious and almost certain” findings point to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, Turkey’s main militant faction.

Tax Records Prove George Soros Funded Ferguson Riots With $33 Million

Newly released tax records from the George Soros organisation Open Society reveals that Soros gave over $33 million dollars in funding to the Ferguson riots in order to encourage civil unrest.  The funding allowed rioters to continue its civil disobedience campaign as well as push forward what some are calling a “socialist plan” for the United States.
