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Senior Breitbart Staffers Resign After Trump Assault

Editor-at-large Ben Shapiro announced his resignation from Breitbart after the news organisation covered-up an alleged assault by Donald Trump’s campaign manager on a fellow Breitbart reporter.  Michelle Fields claims a Trump staffer forcefully pushed her away from interviewing the Presidential candidate at a news conference in Florida, and as a result of Breitbart downplaying the incident both Shapiro and Fields announced their resignation on Sunday night.

Trump-Endorser Marc Faber Warns "Central Banks Will Create Global Socialism"

Central banks around the globe are pursuing strategies that will put all financial assets into government hands, Marc Faber explains to CNBC this morning, taking the opportunity to endorse Donald Trump's bid for the U.S. presidency. As CNBC reports, Faber expects that asset buying by global central banks will only increase, even though he believes those policies aren't working to stimulate the economy.

Did John Kasich Just Say No To A Mitt Romney Endorsement

Did John Kasich Just Say No To A Mitt Romney Endorsement

Is a Romney endorsement for Kasich ahead of the critical Tuesday Ohio primary a kiss of death? Perhaps.

Moments ago, the WSJ reported that Mitt Romney is planning to endorse John Kasich later today in Ohio, citing Kasich.

This follows a CBS report that Mitt Romney will hit the campaign trail Monday with John Kasich, CBS News' Chief White House correspondent Major Garrett confirms.
