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US Embassy Warned Of Ankara Attack Two Before Deadly Explosion

Two days before the deadly blast in Ankara, the US embassy in Turkey issued a security warning to US citizens about the threat of a terrorist attack in the Turkish capital. The notice was published on March 11 on the website of the US Embassy in Turkey. At least 37 people were killed and 125 injured in a car bomb explosion on Sunday RT reports: The American embassy had warned on its website about a “potential plot to attack Turkish government buildings and housing in the Bahcelievler neighborhood,” in Çankaya District, where the Turkish National Library is located among other landmarks.

Protesting Donald Trump Is Now A Federal Crime

GOP front-runner Donald Trump has vowed to arrest anybody who protests his bid to become President – taking advantage of a loophole in the law that makes it illegal for citizens to protest at Presidential rallies.  Following the stage invasion earlier this week in Illinois, Trump has said he will force police officers to enforce the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act (H.R.

The Differences Between Kasich and Rubio

The Ohio and Florida primaries are tomorrow, but the prospects of the respective “favorite sons” in these states couldn’t be more different. According to the most recent NBC and CBS News polls, Kasich is either leading by several points or tied with Trump for the lead in Ohio, while Rubio trails Trump by more than twenty points in Florida and in the CBS poll even falls behind Cruz into third place at 21%.
