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Climate Change Censorship: The War on Free Speech Continues

Climate Change Censorship: The War on Free Speech Continues

by Ron Paul

During her appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, Attorney General Loretta Lynch admitted that she asked the FBI to examine whether the federal government should take legal action against so-called climate change deniers. Attorney General Lynch is not responding to any criminal acts committed by climate change skeptics. Instead, she is responding to requests from those frustrated that dissenters from the alleged climate change consensuses have successfully blocked attempts to create new government programs to fight climate change.

Trump Rejects Responsibility For Promoting Violence, Blames Bernie

Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump says he is not responsible for the violence that erupts regularly around his rallies. Instead the Donald threatened Bernie Sanders on Sunday by saying that his follower base may retaliate against the Democratic presidential hopeful by showing up at his future events and using disruptive tactics. Donald Trump holds Bernie Sanders responsible for the violent behavior that has recently shown its ugly face at Trump rallies, which are usually permeated with an aura of tremendous love and loyalty.

US Bound Missiles Found On Passenger Aircraft In Serbia

Serbian authorities are investigating reports of a cargo package destined for Portland, Oregon containing explosive warheads. Two air-to-surface missiles were found on board a passenger flight in Serbia. Sputnik reports: According to Serbian news agency Tanjug, Air Serbia, the largest air Serbian carrier, has confirmed that an undisclosed “package” was discovered by a sniffer dog aboard a passenger aircraft, “thanks to the strict measures of security control”.
