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Protester Lunges At Donald Trump In Cleveland

A protester was stopped by Secret Service agents after he lunged at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during a rally in Cleveland on Friday. The agents temporarily formed a protective ring around the Donald before quickly leaving the stage and allowing Trump to carry on with his speech at Dayton international airport in Ohio. Stuff reports: It was not immediately clear why the agents rushed onto the stage Saturday morning to surround Trump, who appeared to jolt after hearing something in the audience standing behind his right shoulder.

Putin Gives Powerful Speech Exposing The New World Order

In this powerful speech recorded a few years ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin exposes the real face of the New World Order.  According to the video’s description: When the West expands its EEU and NATO borders Eastwards breaking treaty after treaty, as in the Warsaw pact, the non nuclear proliferation treaty, disregards international law and the Geneva conventions, including double standards on its UN power to veto – it does it all under the mantra of diversifying economic markets, if Russia was to expand West, thorough some “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership of their own”

This Election Is The Biggest Threat To The US Aristocracy (Biggest Opportunity For Voters) Since At Least 1932

Authored by Eric Zuesse,

The historical significance of the 2016 U.S. Presidential contest isn’t yet generally recognized. Consider the evidence regarding this historical significance, in the links that will be provided here, and from which the argument here is constructed:

For the first time ever, a Republican campaign ad against Hillary Clinton is entirely truthful about her and focuses on the most important issue facing voters:

