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Obama Blasts Britain And France Over Libya ‘Mess’

US President Barack Obama has blasted the UK and France over their Libya policy in the aftermath of the 2011 overthrow of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Blaming them for the current chaos in Libya, he referred to the situation as a “mess”and in private called it a “s**t show.” In an interview interview with the Atlantic, Obama said he was wrong to believe the allies would be “invested in the follow-up” to Gaddafi’s ouster.

Syria Hawks Were Completely Wrong About the “Red Line” and Ukraine

Julia Ioffe talked to some Russian officials and experts about the silly idea that refusing to attack Syria in 2013 encouraged Russian intervention in Ukraine, and this is what they told her:

“Wow, it’s kind of a revelation what you just said,” said a very surprised source from the Russian Foreign Ministry, who was not authorized to speak on the record, on hearing the question. “It’s not tied to any kind of reality. These things are not connected to each other in any way.”

Ben Carson Endorses The Donald Press Conference - Live Feed

Opposites attract? Softly-spoken Dr. Ben Carson is reportedly set to endorse The Donald this morning but Trump's press conference will, we are sure, have more to offer than just that...

As The Hill reports, Trump confirmed the endorsement on Thursday night’s GOP debate, saying Carson "will be very much involved” in advising him on education, calling it Carson’s “expertise.”

Erdogan Vows To Help Ukraine Fight Russia And Return Crimea

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to support Ukraine’s fight against Russia by helping Ukraine to take steps in removing Russian occupation.  “Turkey did not recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea and is not going to do either,” Erdogan said in a joint press conference with Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko in Ankara. reports: According to him, Russia violated international law in this matter. “Mr President (of Turkey) supported the joint steps aimed at the de-occupation of Crimea.
