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What Percent Are You?

What Percent Are You?

Are you the 1% or the 99%? How about among millennials? Or high-school dropouts? The Wall Street Journal shows how your income compares with your fellow Americans.

Earning $25,780 would put you below 50% of Americans reporting individual income in 2014. What percent are you?


Click image below for interactive version

Billionaire Koch Brothers Won't Attack Trump In Primaries After Murdoch Calls For Party Unity

Billionaire Koch Brothers Won't Attack Trump In Primaries After Murdoch Calls For Party Unity

It appears it is not just the bookies that see Trump's nomination as a done deal. Even the money behind the establishment is folding now as Reuters reports the mega-donor billionaire Koch brothers have said they have "no plans to get involved in the primary." This follows another mega-donor, Rupert Murdoch's call to "unify the party" as Trump tries to make peace with the "establishment."

Before Super Tuesday - as the rhetoric reached 1st grade - Murdoch (cum peacekeeper) tweeted...

Super Tuesday Results Show GOP Favours Trump’s Ban On Muslims

The proposed ban on Muslim Immigration to the United States by Republican front-runner Donald Trump is endorsed by a large number of GOP voters and the establishment. The consideration of such policy is a betrayal of American values and has far reaching consequences besides being racist and Islamophobic, according to Murtaza Hussain from The Intercept. The Intercept reports: Exit polls conducted by ABC News on “Super Tuesday” show that more than 60 percent of GOP voters in five states favor Trump’s proposed ban. In Alabama and Arkansas, that figure rises to nearly 80 percent.

Pentagon Sells ‘Smart Bombs’ To ISIS Supporter Turkey

The Pentagon have approved a deal to sell $700 million worth of ‘smart bombs’ to Turkey – one of the biggest state-sponsors of the ISIS regime.  The deal is aimed at bolstering Ankara’s military in fighting the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Iraq. reports: “The deal came timely, as we are deeply engaged in asymmetrical warfare and need smart bombs,” a Turkish military official told Defense News. Turkey intensified its efforts against the Kurdish militants after they canceled a two-year-long ceasefire in July.

Bin Laden Letter Shows al-Qaeda Leader Worried About Climate Change

Newly released Osama bin Laden letters reveal that the former al-Qaeda leader was worried about the environment, and had written a letter urging the American people to help President Obama prevent a global disaster and save humanity from the dangers of climate change.  The letter is one of hundreds seized in the May 2, 2011 raid on bin Laden’s home in Pakistan and was made public by the Obama administration on Tuesday this week.
