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Police To Get More Surveillance Powers In New ‘Snoopers’ Charter’

The powers of British police will be extended in the new draft of the ‘snoopers’ charter’ to allow them to hack into phones and access people’s web browsing histories for routine investigations. The extension of police powers contained in the revised investigatory powers bill – which was published on Tuesday-  shows just how determined the home secretary Theresa May is to get her legislation on to the statute book by the end of the year despite sweeping criticism by three separate parliamentary committees in the past month.

Rubio’s Florida Fantasy

The Rubio campaign is misleading its donors into thinking that Rubio will win Florida:

[Rubio’s campaign manager] cautioned patience as people in the room expressed concern about Mr. Rubio’s ability to win Florida on March 15, stating as fact that the senator would carry his home state [bold mine-DL].

Sweden's Migration "Industry"

Sweden's Migration "Industry"

Submitted by Nima Gholam Ali Pour via The Gatestone Institute,

  • That Sweden is a "humanitarian superpower" is a myth that needs exposing once and for all. The recent migration wave to Sweden has made some people poor and others very, very rich. It is all about money, and it is about winners and losers.

  • If liberal journalists outside Sweden believe that rape is humanitarian, then Sweden has a humanitarian migration policy.
