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Hillary Cruises To Victory In South Carolina Amid Strong African American Support

Update: CBS and CNN call it for Clinton. It was over before it started.

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Last weekend, on the heels of a decisive (if expected) victory for Bernie Sanders in the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton reclaimed the momentum in the race for the Democratic nomination by escaping the Nevada caucuses with a narrow victory over the Vermont senator.

David Stockman: The Good, Bad & Ugly Of Donald Trump

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

America will need the Almighty’s unstinting favor if Donald Trump becomes our 45th President. Still, blessed be The Donald for running a demolition derby in the Republican primaries.

There is no hope for the future of capitalist prosperity and a free society at home and world peace abroad unless the Republican Party is destroyed. And, by golly, Trump may well accomplish the deed.

"Let's Pray This Works": Syria "Ceasefire" Begins After Russia Takes "Total Control" Of Country

Last Monday, Washington and Moscow hailed an agreement that would see a temporary cessation of hostilities in Syria.

The “ceasefire” went into effect on Saturday and so far, so good. “Clashes and airstrikes across western Syria largely abated Saturday morning, as an internationally backed truce took hold in parts of the country where rebels have been fighting the regime,” WSJ reported this morning. Although the SAA apparently hit a few rebel positions east of Damascus, overall, “it was a calm morning.”
