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Brazil Cut To Junk By All Three Ratings Agencies After Moody's Joins The Fray

Brazil Cut To Junk By All Three Ratings Agencies After Moody's Joins The Fray

Back in December we warned that Brazil faced a "disastrous downgrade debacle" that would eventually see the beleaguered South American nation cut to junk by all three major ratings agencies. 

S&P had already thrown the country into the junk bin and just six days after our warning, Fitch followed suit.

Between the country's seemingly intractable political crisis and worsening public finances, the outlook is exceptionally dire and just moments ago, Moody's cut Brazil to junk as well.

Trump Takes Nevada By A Landslide; Rubio/Cruz All Tied Up - Live Feed

Trump Takes Nevada By A Landslide; Rubio/Cruz All Tied Up - Live Feed

And the juggernaut rolls on...


Most major news wires have already called the Nevada GOP Caucus for Donald Trump (despite only 3% reporting) making it 3 in a row:

  • Trump 42%
  • Cruz 22.8%
  • Rubio 21.8%

Marking Rubio's 4th loss to Trump in a row.

Preliminary entrance polls taken of Republican caucus-goers show that nearly 6 in 10 are angry at the way the government is working, and about half of them supported the billionaire businessman.

Democrats Outraged After "Unprecedented" Decision By GOP To Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings

The war between Obama and the Republican Party over Scalia's Supreme Court replacement just went nuclear.

One day after a 1992 video clip emerged of vice president Joe Biden emerged when the then-senator from Delaware said the Senate should not consider a Supreme Court nominee by president George H.W. Bush during an election year, this afternoon Senate Republicans went "all in" on a Supreme Court gamble, in which they vowed to deny holding confirmation hearings for any nominee from President Obama.

Nationalism And Populism Propel Trump

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

As the returns came in from South Carolina Saturday night, showing Donald Trump winning a decisive victory, a note of nervous desperation crept into the commentary.

Political analysts pointed out repeatedly that if all of the votes for Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Jeb Bush and Ben Carson were added up, they far exceeded the Trump vote.

Why this sudden interest in arithmetic?
