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Water Crisis Fears In New Delhi After Canal Sabotaged In Protests

Delhi is on the brink of a severe water crisis after a key supply was cut during protests over jobs in a neighbouring state. Much of the water supply to the Indian capital was cut off after members of an influential Indian caste sabotaged a canal during protests over job quotas. A representative from the Jat caste said they had called off their week-long protests which resulted in 19 deaths and thousands of troops being deployed in Haryana, after the northern state’s government accepted their demands.

Putin: Syrian Ceasefire A Chance To End Bloodshed

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a special address about the coming ceasefire in Syria, urging world leaders to use this opportunity to end bloodshed in the region.  The statement was published by the Kremlin on Monday. Friends, I just had a telephone conversation with President of the United States of America Barack Obama. The phone call was initiated by the Russian side, but the interest was certainly mutual. During our conversation, we approved joint statements of Russia and the US, as co-chairs of the ISSG, on the cessation of hostilities in Syria.

Kasich and the Missing Foreign Policy Debate

At the entrance to a John Kasich event at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia Monday morning, I was asked by a radio reporter why I was attending. I didn’t say “journalist” (my usual answer) but replied instead, “I’m not satisfied with a three candidate race of Trump, Cruz, and Rubio.” I’m aware that Kasich barely participated in Iowa and South Carolina, but in the one state he, Cruz and Rubio all spent a lot of time in, he bested them both. Plus, as he tells audiences, he beat Donald Trump in Dixville Notch.

The Republican Nevada Caucuses

Today’s Republican Nevada caucuses offer Rubio a chance to do something unusual by winning a race:

“Rubio needs to win somewhere,” Michael Bowers, a professor at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. “He cannot continue to declare victory when he’s coming in second or third. Nevada could be a good state for him to start doing that.”
