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Russian Expert: MH17 Was Hit By Air-2-Air Missile

A Russian expert has claimed that the crashed Malaysian Boeing-777 (MH17) was shot down by an air-2-air missile  and not the BUK missile system as stated by the Dutch commission.  The claims are from the chief researcher of the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defence Force, Zahar Omarov. “I can say that our results refute the conclusion that the aircraft was shot down by a missile from the anti-aircraft missile system of “Beech”.

UN In Talks With Stranded Extraterrestrial Seeking Aid From Hillary Clinton

The United Nations (UN) say that they are in contact with someone who claims to be an extraterrestrial from another planet who desperately needs to talk to Hillary Clinton.  Hillary Clinton, who has promised to release all of the top secret files the U.S. holds on aliens and UFOs if she becomes President, has yet to respond to the alien named ‘Mogay’. reports: The UN correspondence provided was a reply Ms McFadden to a qeury entitled “Did the UN have a reseetlement process and protection policy about extraterrestrial being?”.

Obama Snubs Scalia’s Funeral Fuelling Murder Rumors

President Obama has snubbed the funeral of US Supreme Justice Antonin Scalia, causing confusion among government officials at the White House and Congress. “If we want to reduce partisanship, we can start by honoring great public servants who we disagree with,” Obama’s former “car czar” Steven Rattner tweeted after hearing about Obama skipping the funeral service.

US And UK Issue Nuclear Attack Messages To Broadcasters

Both the US and UK governments have issued new public warnings about a possible nuclear war, issuing various TV broadcasters new warning messages to play to the public in the event of an attack.  The alerts, labelled “Nuclear Attack Emergency Alert System Messages!”, are designed to prepare the public in the event of a massive nuclear attack and the radioactive fallout.
