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Saudi Leader Says Removal Of Assad Is Necessary For ISIS Defeat

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubier has demanded the removal of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying that his removal is necessary in the fight against ISIS.  Jubier told a security conference in Munich that Assad was responsible for the creation of ISIS by turning Syria into a ‘fertile ground’ for militants. reports: He called Assad the “single most effective magnet for extremists and terrorists in the region” and said his removal was crucial for restoring stability. “That’s our objective and we will achieve it,” he said.

Shadow CIA Warns Of Significant Russian Air Defences In Syria

Should Turkey or Saudi Arabia attack Syrian forces they will be met with significant Russian Air Power, according to a report by Stratfor, the US-based intelligence think tank, often called the Shadow CIA. Sputnik reports: In its report, Stratfor points out that “when Turkey downed a Russian Su-24 warplane on November 24, it did not just sour relations between Ankara and Moscow: It gave Russia a reason to build up its air defense capabilities in Syria.” And build up they did.

Assad Plans To Retake "All Syria," Will "Confront" Saudis, Turks If Invaded

Nine months ago, things weren’t look good for Syria’s Bashar al-Assad.

Four years into his country’s bloody civil war, he found himself fighting a multi-front war against a long list of largely Sunni extremist elements and the government’s forces were stretched thin. The rebels enjoyed the support not only of the US, but of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey. That meant that their resources were essentially unlimited.

Donald Trump Warns That The ‘End Of Europe’ Is In Sight

Donald Trump has predicted that the current influx of migrants in Europe will lead to the “end of Europe” in an apocalyptic interview with French magazine Valeurs Actuelles.  “France is not what it used to be, and neither is Paris,” Trump told the magazine. reports: Trump also bemoaned the existence of “no-go zones” avoided by police that have been created by mass Islamic immigration. WND reported in January 2015 the French government listed 751 “Sensitive Urban Zones” the government does not fully control.
