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Trump, Sanders Set To Dominate As New Hampshire Votes In Nation's First Primary

Trump, Sanders Set To Dominate As New Hampshire Votes In Nation's First Primary

Last week, the “teflon Don” took a hit in Iowa.

Despite the fact that the last Des Moines Register poll before the caucus showed the brazen billionaire pulling ahead of Ted Cruz in the state for the first time since August, Donald Trump lost, in what many deemed a surprising outcome.

Initially, Trump congratulated Cruz. Later, he called the senator a cheater and accused him of “stealing” the state by bilking the hapless Ben Carson out of votes.

Bill Clinton: "Sometimes I Wish We Weren't Married"

Yesterday it was the irony of "sexist" Sanders' claims. Today, Hillary's husband is at it again - making headlines for all the wrong reasons...

As NBCNews reports, in his last appearance before the primary here on Tuesday, former President Bill Clinton said he wishes "sometimes" that he wasn't married to Hillary Clinton because then he could speak more freely.

"Sometimes when I am on a stage like this, I wish that we weren't married, then I could say what I really think," Bill Clinton said before introducing his wife at a rally.

Islamic State Selling Decapitated Heads To Raise Funds

Islamic State/ISIS are running out of funds and are resorting to new income streams. The terrorists are allegedly shrinking the heads of their beheaded victims and selling them to collectors in order to fund their terror campaign. Their stockpile of decapitated Syrian and Iraqi heads are reportedly being sold for £350 each to shrunken heads collectors online. The Daily Express reports: The militants have worked out that shrunken heads are worth hundreds to morbid collectors online, according to an American pastor.
