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Syria Summit Kicks Off In Russia With Some Anti-Saudi Trolling

Syria Summit Kicks Off In Russia With Some Anti-Saudi Trolling

While in Sochi, Russia for trilateral talks between Russia, Iran, and Turkey over the future of Syria, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has taken to Twitter for some serious trolling. As the first day of the summit concluded - a day preceded by a rare 4-hour visit to Russia by Syrian President Bashar Assad who met with Putin on Monday - Zarif stated, "No need for empty words or gimmicks - including glowing orbs - when you're actually working for peace and against terror."

Hariri's "Unresignation" As Seen In A Bizarre Photo With The Iranian Ambassador

Hariri's "Unresignation" As Seen In A Bizarre Photo With The Iranian Ambassador

During Wednesday's independence day celebrations in Lebanon, Prime Minister Saad Hariri was bizarrely photographed in what appeared to be in a warm and enthusiastic handshake with Iran's ambassador to Lebanon, Mohammad Fathali, while greeting dignitaries less than 24 hours after his plane touched down in Beirut following his bizarre two week detention in Saudi Arabia. 

Fusion GPS Founder Told Congress That Russians Had Infiltrated The NRA

Fusion GPS Founder Told Congress That Russians Had Infiltrated The NRA

Authored by Chuck Ross via The Daily Caller,

The co-founder of the opposition research firm behind the Trump dossier testified to Congress earlier this month that he believed Russian operatives have infiltrated the National Rifle Association.

Glenn Simpson, a founding partner of Fusion GPS, casually suggested in an interview with the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the gun rights group had been breached, a source familiar with the matter told The Daily Caller.

Roy Moore's Communications Director Resigns

Amid an ongoing barrage of sexual assault allegations, Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore has just confirmed to the Washingtonian that his communications director, John Rogers, has resigned.

John Rogers has resigned as communications director from Roy Moore’s Senate campaign, according to a source familiar with the matter.


Reached by phone on Wednesday, Rogers confirmed his resignation. He declined to comment further.

