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Democrat Confidence Relative To Republicans Soars Most Since Obama Was Elected

Democrat Confidence Relative To Republicans Soars Most Since Obama Was Elected

The consumer comfort of Democrats soared this week relative to Republicans - pushing their relative confidence to 4-month highs. However the last week saw an almost unprecented surge in Democrat confidence. This is the biggest surge in Democrat confidence since President Obama was elected in November 2008 - in a week when it looks like Hillary will be indicted and Bernie takes the lead in New Hampshire and Iowa...


Maybe Rubio’s Just a Bad Presidential Candidate

Ross Douthat asks why Rubio isn’t winning:

Nobody’s sure why. Rubio has various weaknesses, but he’s well liked by Republican voters, he polls very well against Hillary Clinton, and nothing scandalous has emerged to derail him. Yet here we are just days from Iowa, and prominent Republicans are variously frustrated and confused, resigning themselves to Trump-versus-Cruz or attempting complicated bank shots to take one or both of them out … instead of doing what many people expected and simply rallying to Rubio.

Nazi Roots of Ukraine’s Conflict

Exclusive: Few Americans understand the ugly history behind the Nazi-affiliated movements that have gained substantial power in today’s U.S.-backed Ukrainian regime. Western propaganda has made these right-wing extremists the “good guys” versus the Russian “bad guys,” as Jonathan Marshall explains. By Jonathan Marshall The latest issue of Foreign Policy magazine, one of the leading journals in…

Japan Says North Korea Will Launch Long-Range Missile This Week

An anonymous Japanese government official has warned that North Korea may be preparing to launch a long-range missile this week.  Japanese news agency Kyodo have reported that satellite imagery shows that Pyongyang are preparing to launch the long-range missile from a test site called Tongchang-ri. reports: The official estimates that the launch could come as soon as one week from now. If true, this would be North Korea’s first long-range missile launch since 2012, when it successfully placed an object into Earth orbit.
