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A Trump-Cruz Race Forces Republican Elites to Choose Sides

This argument from Ramesh Ponnuru is not very persuasive:

The conventional wisdom about the Republican primaries has repeatedly and rapidly changed. Originally Jeb Bush was said to be the favorite; then Marco Rubio; then we heard that “it’s going to be a Cruz-Rubio race”; then a Cruz-Trump one. The currently rising theory is that Trump will prevail.

Given the poor track record [bold mine-DL], maybe it’s time to let primary voters in a few states weigh in before making confident predictions, or endorsement decisions based on them.

Donald Trump, Holy Fool?

In Orthodox Christianity, a “holy fool” is a type of saint, someone who appears to be absurd, but who embeds the truth in his or her own apparent madness. Is Donald Trump a political version of this? Eric Levitt points out that if Trump weren’t saying true things — things that Republicans aren’t supposed to say — he wouldn’t have gotten this far in the GOP primary. Excerpts listing what Levitt, who derides the candidate as a “narcissistic reality star,” says are Trump’s “truth bombs”:
