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Assad Accuses Israel Of Being ‘al-Qaeda’s Air Force’

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad famously declared in an interview: “How can you say al-Qaeda doesn’t have an air force? They have the Israeli air force.” “It’s very clear. Because whenever we make advances in some place, they attack in order to undermine the army,” Assad said last year. reports: “Putin is the big Satan, Assad is the little Satan, Israel is now a friend, they help us”, declared Ala, lying on his hospital bed, one leg blown away, the other pinned and swathed in bandages.

Calais Chaos: Port Closes Down As Migrants Storm Britain

The port of Calais remained closed to the public on Saturday as 500 migrants stormed the port, attempting to enter Britain.  The closure follows a march by 2000 French protestors who protested against migrants living in poor conditions in the northern city of Calais. reports: The protest on Saturday came as British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn visited the region, which is temporary home to about 4,000 migrants camped out in hopes of finding a better life in Britain, across the Channel.

Calais On Lockdown After 100s Of Migrants Storm UK-Bound Ferry

Calais On Lockdown After 100s Of Migrants Storm UK-Bound Ferry

Coinciding with UK's Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn's arrival at the French refugee camps, Sky News reports the port of Calais has been temporarily closed as 100s of migrants stormed on to a ship in the hope of reaching the UK. About 50 migrants are thought to have made their way on to a P&O-operated vessel called Spirit of Britain, and police are at the scene and have reportedly deployed water cannons to break up the crowds of protesters.

Bloomberg May Run For President After Becoming "Frustrated" With Race Gone "Haywire"

If you enjoy the circus, then this presidential campaign is for you.

In the last nine months, we’ve witnessed the unlikely rise of not one, but two dark horse candidates to the top of the polls and we’ve also had the pleasure of looking on as a dizzying array of GOP candidates engaged in a series of soapbox free-for-all debates that at times devolved into pure comedy.
