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Here Are The Best And Worst Things About A Trump Presidency, According To Americans

Here Are The Best And Worst Things About A Trump Presidency, According To Americans

As we head into the Iowa caucus, Americans are getting serious about the 2016 race for the White House.

After an extremely painful series of debates that pitted a dizzying array of GOP candidates against one another in a kind of soapbox free-for-all, the Republican field has for all intents and purposes been narrowed to two candidates: Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.

Dramatic Footage Depicts "Heinous Massacre" Of Civilians, Rescue Workers By Saudi Warplanes

March will mark a year since Saudi Arabia began its air campaign in Yemen, where Iran-backed militiamen drove President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi into exile in Riyadh.

The Houthi advance was a decidedly unwelcome event for the Saudis who aren’t keen on permitting Tehran to establish what would amount to an Iranian colony with a cozy view of the Bab-el-Mandeb on the kingdom’s southern border.
