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Iranian-British BBC Journalist Barred From Travelling To US

A BBC journalist has been stopped from travelling to the US with her family because of her dual Iranian-British nationality. Rana Rahimpour, a presenter for the BBC’s Persian service, was halted from boarding a flight to New Jersey at Heathrow airport yesterday. She was told she could not travel to the US because of the new visa waiver rules that prevents those with dual nationalities of certain countries from entering the US on its 90-day visa-free program. @ranarahimpour My fully #British daughter can’t attend her #American cousin’s bday cos her mum was born in #Iran.

Guest Post: How Hitler Came To Power

Submitted by 'Thinker' via The Burning Platform blog,

Hitler came to power for a number of documented reasons, some of which are rational, others of which are emotional. Either way, the world continues to question how a vicious madman could rise to power in Germany during this time, most of all the German people who, to this day, will do almost anything to prevent another authoritarian movement.
