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The Decapitation of the GOP

The Republican Party today poses a bit of a conundrum.

On the one hand, the party has gone from strength to strength at every level of government. It dominates state legislatures, is over-represented in governorships of states of all regions, types and sizes, has a virtual lock on the House of Representatives and a majority in the Senate. And it has achieved these goal in spite of a multi-year insurgency from the Tea Party right that has plainly cost it some winnable seats.

Rubio’s Curious Campaign Strategy

Rubio’s campaign now seems to be consciously following in Giuliani’s footsteps:

Under pressure to emerge as the Republican mainstream’s presidential contender, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is increasingly relying on a national strategy as he lowers expectations for February’s primary contests.

He’s betting big that Republican voters across the political spectrum will ultimately coalesce behind his candidacy in the state-by-state slog for delegates his team envisions for the months ahead.

Police Investigate Ten Year Old Schoolboy Over Spelling Mistake

A spelling mistake has led to a 10-year-old Muslim schoolboy being interviewed by British police over suspected links to terrorism. The child, who cannot be named for legal reasons, mistakenly wrote that he lived in a “terrorist house” instead of a “terraced house” during an English lesson at his primary school in Accrington, Lancashire back in December. Counter terrorism legislation that was introduced last year demands teachers alert authorities if they suspect a pupil’s connection to any terrorist behaviour or radicalisation.
